Hello and many greetings
nice to have you here!
at The moment I am hosting guided and unguided life drawing sessions just online
I will not refund any longer any money for unwanted tickets.
In case you can not attend you are most welcome to choose another event.
If i cancel orders and refund I STILL PAY A PART OF THE FEES of that transaction and the Ticket Service.
It happened in the past that I paid for it.
Upcoming Events
March 25th
2 hour ticket
with Puka
for more info please visit the ticket sales page
by clicking on the flyer
March 29th
3 hour ticket
with Nataschka, Sofia and Ludmila
for more info please visit the ticket sales page
by clicking on the flyer
March 30th
2 hour ticket
with Tina
for more info please visit the ticket sales page
by clicking on the flyer
March 30th
2 hour ticket
with Matilda
for more info please visit the ticket sales page
by clicking on the flyer